Tuesday, May 20, 2014


My school: South Plantation High School and I are speaking out. We want to be heard. 276 nigerian girls have been kidnapped. We want and need more people to hear and help us. All I'm asking for is help. Hopefully someone can hear and help us. If this video by the chance isn't working click the link below.

Thank you,




Friday, February 7, 2014


I'm still in the 9th grade. Not that I failed, but I'm thinking about graduating school early. I mean what's the point? You're going to leave all friends behind anyway. I'm a above average student in class, but the opposite on tests; like FCAT, ACTs, SATs, etc. What's up with that. I'm writing a new book. Not sure what to call it yet. This blog isn't going anywhere. I need people to comment on my blogs.
I'm not even suppose to be here, but I couldn't find my sister anywhere. I guess she had different plans of meeting me? Right? Oh boy, these people walking in this computer room has loud feet make me think that I am  doom. I about to sign off after I check what I have in my classes for grades. Probably above average, no need to worry about it, right.
Asiya Charr, logging out.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First day of High School.

First day of high school was like no other. It felt like I went to the school before, but it felt weird being a freshman. It was so cool most of my friends that I had in my classes. I just going to make new friends, somehow. I just don't know how. It will suck, a lot. But, I can't wait.

          High school is nothing I thought it was. No upperclassmen beats you up or put your head in the toilet. That's just a stupid dress code. You learn lots of lies at school and they tell you a lot.

Lie they tell you:

  • We will enforce the dress code.
* That is such a lie, because if it were true I wouldn't see girls wearing half shirts, showing their belly. I also, wouldn't see girls wearing booty shorts and guys sagging, etc.

  • The teachers are here to help you.
* No the teachers aren't here to help you. They are here to get paid. If you ask for help, they don't want to do their job. They just want to get the lesson over and move to the next one.

  •  Electives don't count, trust me I'm a teacher. I know this, man.
* That's the biggest lie of them all. I bet if you slack in the electives you won't be able to graduate. You'll just get a piece of paper saying, "thank you for attending four years of high school." You'll walk on stage, believe me. This happen to a family member of mine.

  • Colleges will look at you no matter what class your in.
* No they won't! If you're in any remedial class, you won't even get a first look! Unless, you're in sports and you are really good. 

That was a couple of tips for you when you get to high school. Right now, I have to study, study, study to get out of a remedial class, so a college could at least look at me and give me a 100% scholarship. Time to study. High school is awesome!

Comment below!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

What type of music?

What type of music? I love all. I love emo-core,rap, R&b, pop, country, you name it. But actually deep down my favorite is emo-core. I feel like emo-core is connected to me. I feel great. It tells part of my life even though I didn't write the song. I remember going straight emo seventh grade year and I'd love it, but actually I'm still emo. Did you know what emo-core stands for? It stands for emotional core. Emo-core is full of emotions, well all songs are, but this genre describes me the most.

I love emo, because when I'm down I just listen to this. Matches my mood, but I always feel better at the end. I think emo-core matches my emotions.

         So much for this matching my personality, I can't even think about anything else to say about it, because all my thoughts were just interrupted. The question is what type of music that describes you. I wish someone could actually see this, but no one really read my blog, but when they do, I'll be waiting for a comment or maybe even more if I get lucky. Emo-core, I just love the name.

Now, leave a comment below with your answer.

What type of music? 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

will even remember?

I always ask myself these questions,but it seems like I can never get an answer.

Will even remember me when I walk past you in the future?
Will my name even ring a bell?
Will you remember the good times we had...
Or are you going to think I'm a stranger.
Will remember me when I say I went to school with you?
Will you remember my face?
Will I look a tad bit familiar....
Or will just walk away.
Will it hurt me if you were close to me?
Yeah, I think it will, because
That just mean I was close with you, but 
you weren't close with me.
Will you look at me crazy?
Or will it take time to notice me?
Will you remember me when I'm famous?
Will we talk to each other?
Are we going to go out to parties?
Are you going to be famous to?
Will I have to refresh your memory?

You know the truth is 5 out of 10, you won't remember me. No matter how close we were with each other. No matter how much secrets we told each other. You will never remember me no matter how much I remind you. We will just be strangers to each other. I wonder if this will happen to me with my future friends or if I'll forget them. If I do, oh well I guess that's what fate wants. if I do forget you, good-bye.

It's Not True!

You know it really hurts when someone says they can't trust you anymore in your face. That has happen to me with my father. And let me tell you this, it's soooooo annoying. I was telling the truth when he asked who messed up his bed. I didn't know what he was talking about, but a day later I had an afterthought. It should have came sooner, but it doesn't matter now because he wouldn't believe me anyways. Why trust someone when they can't trust you? Duh, you don't trust them. They give you that sort of treatment you give it back to them, if they think you deserve it so much. they never cut you slack. When you say it's not true. The look at you like your the little boy or girl who cries it's not true!

It's pathetic really. When you do it to someone so much who cares if they trust you or not. If they can't trust you who cares, there's other people that real trust you as long as you don't betray it. it goes on like a cycle. If you are reading this dad... not that you really do. It's not true, but why should you care you said it yourself. I'm a quote "liar". I can't be trusted. Run when you see me because the 14 year old liar is coming through. And everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. Ugh, pathetic!

Tell me what you think about this?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


          I just don't know, but sometimes it feels like I'm the only one in this world. I feel bored and all that, like what's the use of life; that's when this comes in, life isn't meaningless. Life has something, well I mean it means something, we just have to find the purpose of life. I know, I know how many times a day do you hear this? That's right even though your answer probably not match mine, not enough. Yes, you don't hear this enough, unless you hang out with someone who loves nature. Me, I'm not so fond of nature, I like nature, but not love. I'm a teen of my word, ha see what I did there, because usually the saying is: "I'm a man of my word." 

 Not this time, this time I'm a teen of my word. I'll tell what's non-meaningless, we teens are non-meaningless.   
      When adults see us teens they think of us as little kids, we maybe kids, but we're matured. We can speak, we can stand up for ourselves as the adults can. We just have to train our minds to do so. We teens love to hang is that non-meaningless. I don't understand why most adults think we can't think for ourselves. They should know their selves because they were once teens, too. So, they should know we have our own minds, if we didn't well how else are we suppose to think,. We can use our mind. Actually, anyone can use their minds, they just need to know how. 

          I know, I know why I'm I keep saying we teens? Well, because I'm speaking about us teens generally. We all think differently. So, what's your opinion comment below!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Teen Sexual Abuse

Teens sexual abused.

Teen sexual abuse needs to stop. Yes it is because teens commit suicide because of it. 30 percent of suicides are related to sexual abuse. Parents need to know how to speak to their children. We teens want help from you, but most of us want you to make the first step. If we hold back and say: nothing is wrong, it means something is, unless of course nothing is wrong. 1 out of  of every 3 girls and 1 out of every 4 boys are abused by the age 18. Whether it's domestic, sexual, an so on. If you find out you're child is being abuse try counseling, if that doesn't work talk to them yourself. I'm sure your teen will trust you at this time. If it is the parent abusing the child. I just have to say this. Run as you can find a neighbor, a cop, anyone that will help. There are some nice cops and neighbors out there. When you are sexually abuse the offender is usually a male. He would molest about 17 youngsters or teens that are afraid to step forward in this type of situation. Usually the victim knows the offender and wouldn't tell anyone because, they're afraid, confused, or they trusted the offender. 35% of women and 20% of men were sexually abused at the age of teen and children. Most likely in adulthood if the teen didn't get help, the teen will start acting out.

Child sexual abuse is reported up to 80,000 times and this is in the U.S. If you don't step forward the abuse usually increases over time. This causes isolation from friends. To prevent sexual abuse. Listen to your child, listen when they cry for help. If not you maybe lose them. You may know you're child is going through this if:

  • If their behavior changes.
  • they start to fear or dislike certain people and places.
  • they can't sleep during the night.
  • poor hygiene
  • start acting like a baby again
  • anxiety
  • running away
  • depression
  • eating disorders
  • low self-esteem
And that's not even all of it. Look for these signs. Stay close to your teen have time for them. You're teen needs you. Teens sexual abuse or any type isn't good for a teen's or child's health. If you find out or already know please report it or your teen maybe hate you or kill their selves because of sexual abuse. STOP THIS TODAY! BE AWARE.

That Bad Feeling

Do you just have that feeling when something bad is going to happen, but you just don't know when?
I know I have those feelings and I don't like them one bit. I had that feeling when my mother passed away last year. I had the feeling that she probably wasn't going to beat cancer this time. It wasn't a good feeling. It made me feel pain, sadness, but I got over it. I just had to keep moving. I have that bad feeling all the time now. I sometimes ask myself: Do I have breast cancer? Will I get it? Will I survive or die? Why me? 

Well it's me because people in my family died of cancer before my mother and it isn't a good thing. So my chances are pretty risky of getting cancer. I probably have the genes, I don't know. I don't get check ups.
I don't think it's a sort of blessing either, I would rather die quickly than slowly. Having cancer is dying slowly. I have this feeling that I might get breast cancer, bone cancer, or some type of cancer that I don't want. This is why Angelina Jolie is my remodel. I'm not the only one that had that bad feeling, I know I'm not, because I'm not the only one in this world. If I was, I doubt it would be fun. I'd be lonely.

That bad feeling is the feeling that keeps me wondering about cancer. When I'm older I want to help people with cancer. I can do that now, but I just don't know how or where to start. Cancer is a beast. A beast that I rather not be in this world. Isn't there too many ways to die in this world already. why can't we have one less thing to worry about? Cancer takes away the people you love the most. I loved my mom, but we didn't have a strong bond, but I still cried when she passed. The next morning I woke up and realized everything did happen, I  still cried. I cried her name, but in low whisper, so I didn't wake anyone up. I blamed God for a minute, but asked for forgiveness afterwards, because I understand. I love God still. I understand that everything happens for a reason, but why did she have to die for that reason. why couldn't she die in her sleep. I hate that bad feeling, that I might die that way and not just from oldness. Makes me envy sometimes when most of my friends have both of their parents, but I'm moving on, because it's time to move on. That bad feeling is the feeling of anger, sorrow, mourn, sadness all bunched up together.

Leave comments below, I'll try to read and answer them.

About Me

 I'm Asiya Charr. I'm artistic, which means:

  • I enjoy art of all types, including, drama, music, literature, poetry, etc.
  • I like using my imagination and creativity.
  • I have a need to express myself.
  • I describe myself as emotional or sensitive.
I'm what you might call a "creator".

I'm also Social, which means:

  • I enjoy assisting people in various ways.
  • I like working in groups.
  • I find that verbal and communication skills comes to me naturally.
I'm what you might call an "helper".

Enterprising is also me.

  • I enjoy leading and managing other people. (But if it isn't my job, I won't. There can't be two managers, I think.)
  • I often respond well to competition and enjoy leading teams. (Well, I can't if there's already a leader.)
  • I'm willing to take risks.
  • I value status, power(not too much power), money(I mean who doesn't, You need to take care of yourself), and material possessions.
  • I describe myself as ambitious or energetic.
I what you might call an "persuader".

I Love Sports, just love to stay active(sometimes).

I'm 14, well for four more months. My favorite color is lime green. I'm a girl, duh.

Post comments, I'd love to read them.